My name is Steph. Welcome to my portfolio site! I'm a graphic designer and illustrator currently located in Toronto. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida scelerisque turpis, quis efficitur nulla pretium ac. Fusce nec tellus ac mauris tristique luctus. Morbi sagittis, nisi vitae luctus tristique, odio mi egestas leo, a fermentum arcu massa eget lacus. Sed viverra molestie metus, vel aliquet eros tempus eget. Fusce dignissim eleifend erat nec posuere. Sed aliquet odio ac scelerisque hendrerit. Aenean nibh diam, facilisis vel euismod sed, accumsan et ante. Nulla convallis euismod quam id suscipit. Cras non nulla non ipsum lacinia sollicitudin. Phasellus hendrerit convallis tortor at pellentesque.
Bubblegum is my brand mascot! They're a character I've designed meant to convey the energy, design principles, style and general vibes of my artwork. I use them for a variety of purposes; as a representative of myself and my internal sense of style, as a character meant to set a mood, etc. Whatever I need them for, they're there for it!